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We are passionate about God's Kingdom.


We have witnessed the destruction of human life through torture, trauma and most horrendous evil perpetrated by demonically charged humans against children and adults.  Most people still have no idea this truly exists and the victims suffer from their trauma and the silence they must endure for fear of rejection from the world.  Fortunately, in the past few years we have seen exponential increase in exposure, knowledge, understanding and therapies that address these horrors.  Rescue ministries and safe houses and growing in great numbers.  


Those in the healing professions have seen rapid increase in modalities that work to facilitate healing.  Often multiple modalities simultaneously increase the healing process through synergy.  

More practitioners are needed.  More resources are needed to train them. 


These survivors are God's Super Soldiers.  They are special humans and great "soil" to invest your seed. 

Thrive Holistic Healing Ministries is a 508c1a.  Donations are tax deductible.  

Funds may be donated to general fund which includes Scholarships for the therapy of eligible clients, training for practitioners who work with survivors and healing retreats and workshops for both clients and practitioners.  Donations may also be designated for specific clients or to train specific practitioners.


All recipients must make a copay because we believe there is greater fruit when personal investment is made in their growth. 


The Mission of Thrive Holistic Healing Ministries is to provide scholarships for:


1. Eligible Survivors of Trafficking, ritual abuse and trauma-based programming with effective, vetted and synergistic healing modalities that work on the body, soul and spirit for more rapid healing journey and process. 


2. Practitioners and ministers who need more effective training in healing modalities to better serve this population in their ministry.


3.  Intensives and retreats for continuing healing, education and refreshing of both survivors and practitioners.


Thrive is a 508c1a and all donations are tax deductible.

Support Groups


God wins

We value all life.  We believe that those who have managed to escape the trauma and programming that led them to evil or destruction are particularly called and equipped to take down darkness.  This is Biblical (1 Corinthians 1:3-4) 

We also believe that the word of their testimony in the courts of heaven is of great might to destroy strongholds.  (Revelations 12:11)  These are God's hidden gems.  They are amazing humans with unmatched resiliency and strength to overcome.  They are God's Army.  We want to equip them for their calling, purpose and destiny.


We believe that those who give their lives to serve these people should be well-compensated.  It is a particularly difficult call to walk with them.  The burnout rate is high and the enemy is always looking for open doors to discourage their efforts.

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