Healing Resources for Survivors of
Trafficking, SRA and Mind Control
Training for Ministers and Practitioners serving this community
Special Project
In the Old Testament, every third year, they gave the entire tithe to the Widows and Fatherless. Otherwise they would starve. Recently, the Lord has burdened me for a minister who is charged with caring for a group of orphans in India. I am moved by His sincere devotion to Christ. They are very poor in the heart of a Hindu area. Someone donated land for them to build their own orphanage. A small donation would be a huge contribution towards this orphanage. They will do all the labor themselves (mostly concrete) and just need to purchase the materials. Please consider a dedicated donation to this project.
Would you consider sponsoring a child? This would allow you to help support a specific orphaned child. Donations are auto debited monthly. 90% of the funds go directly to food, clothes, school supplies, medical needs or special needs. You can choose your child from the cards on this page. Email me with the name of the child you wish to sponsor. You will also receive communications from this child to make a real connection.
When you click on the donate button, you can specify the donation is general fund or for this campaign.

Can you help build them a home?

This is a fundraiser to build an orphanage to house these children and caregivers. They have property already donated and will do all the labor, they just need materials for construction. Construction is under way but more is needed to complete the home. Every amount helps. They are also persecuted for their Faith and ostracized. Lets let them know the Father loves them enough to give them a home and protect them from a future that is bleak.

Choose which child to sponsor, click on the donate link - set up auto payments and email us to identify which child you are sponsoring
Give Back
Looking for good ground to sow? We are a tax deductible organization not controlled by the US Government. Your dollars go directly to serve those who are needing help. Sponsoring a child prevents vulnerable populations from being sold into trafficking.